We’re leading the better way on real solutions and lasting change.

California’s beverage companies are working together to provide choice, information, support and encouragement to consumers so they can choose what’s best for their families. We’re working with community leaders and neighborhood groups to help encourage balanced lifestyles and strong communities.

More Choices. Smaller Portions. Less Sugar.

We’ve partnered with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation on our Balance Calories Initiative to reduce the sugar and calories people get from beverages. California beverage companies are using their strengths in marketing, innovation and distribution to increase interest in and expand access to water, no- and lower-calorie beverages and smaller portion sizes. We’re working to drive interest in these products so families can lead more balanced lifestyles. We’ve made eastern L.A. a special focus of this effort, and we’re seeing good results.

Improving Calorie Awareness.

California beverage companies prominently display calorie information on the front of every can, bottle and pack we sell. We display calorie counts on vending machine choices, reminding people to “Check Then Choose.” Calorie awareness messages are displayed on thousands of vending machines, fountains, cooler across the state.

Information and Choices is a Better Way.

Our Balance Calories Initiative has shown that there is a better way to reduce the sugar we get from beverages than with a harmful tax that raises prices on working families and hurts small businesses and their employees. Our latest progress report shows calories from beverages has decreased by 18.8 calories per person in eastern Los Angeles.

Compare that to cities that imposed a punishing tax on consumers to reduce sugar consumption. In Berkeley, a study by researchers at the University of North Carolina said the tax resulted in an average reduction of only 6 calories per person. In Oakland, the tax resulted in a reduction of 5 calories per person, according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Market-based solutions are the better way to reduce sugar in the diet. We’re offering more options with less sugar and zero sugar than ever before, and we’re marketing them so people know about these great tasting beverages with fewer calories. We’ve expanded the options for smaller portion sizes too. It’s working in eastern L.A. without raising prices on working families or hurting small businesses and their employees.

Making a Difference in Our Local Communities Balance Calories Initiative in East L.A. is a Better Way Forward

In eastern L.A., beverage companies used their marketing expertise and distribution network to increase access to – and consumer demand for — lower calorie choices. Working with groups like Casa Familiar, the initial work from 2014-2017 drove these results:

  • Beverage calories per person dropped 11.3%
  • Calories per person from carbonated soft drinks decreased 7%
  • Consumption of no- and low-calorie beverages increased 15.6%